Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Terhadap Kualitas Pemberian Informasi Obat Di Apotek Yulia Farma Surakarta Periode Juni-Juli Tahun 2024
drug information services, patient satisfaction, pharmacyAbstract
Satisfaction is a benchmark for how a person feels after using a service or a product and compares between reality and expectations. In health, service satisfaction can be measured based on 5 dimensions, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, tangible, and emphaty. The purpose of this study is to determine patient satisfaction with drug information services at Yulia Farma Pharmacy Surakarta. This study is a descriptive research with the servqual (service quality) method on patients with inclusion criteria aged 20 -59 years with a sample size of 80 respondents at Yulia Farma Pharmacy Surakarta. This research was conducted on June 21 – July 3, 2024. The results of the study from 80 respondents showed the percentage of satisfaction in each dimension showing the results of the tangible dimension with a value of 93.98%, reliability with a value of 95.08%, assurance with a value of 96.62%, empathy with a value of 99.73%, and responsive with a value of 95.96%. From these results, the dimension that has the largest GAP (gap) has the largest negative value, namely the tangible dimension (-0.4375) and the positive GAP value in the emphaty dimension (0.0125).
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