Menganalilis Seberapa Besar Pengaruh Sepinya Konsumen Pasar Tradisional Cimindi Di Kota Cimahi


  • Iis Nurkamilah Universitas Teknologi Digital
  • Ageng S.Kanda Universitas Teknologi Digital



consumer, market, traditional


Background: Based on observations in the field, researchers see that there are still many kiosks that are not used and traders tend to sell on the ground floor which is close to the main road or which is easily accessible to the public or buyers so that the rest are empty, especially on the 2nd floor where the top roof has not been completed. So far, traders consider that stalls on the lower floors have more customers compared to traders selling on the upper floors, so many traders place their activities outside the Cimindi Market area and become street vendors. This creates complex problems, apart from aesthetic and The decline in the quality of the environment can also cause congestion on the roads around Cimindi Market. .Research method: this research pattern uses a qualitative approach. According to Tanzeh, Qualitative research is research that is intended to reveal symptoms holistically-contextually (thoroughly and in accordance with the context/what is) through collecting data from natural settings as a direct source of the key research instruments themselves.⁶⁵ .Conclusion: Based on the research results regarding "Analyzing how big the influence of the lack of consumers at the Cimindi Traditional Market in Cimahi City" is, the researchers can draw conclusions due to the lack of buyers due to operational hours so that turnover drops drastically due to the lack of buyers.


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How to Cite

Iis Nurkamilah, & Ageng S.Kanda. (2024). Menganalilis Seberapa Besar Pengaruh Sepinya Konsumen Pasar Tradisional Cimindi Di Kota Cimahi. Intellektika : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa, 2(1), 161–169.

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