Deteksi Hunian Di Tempat Parkir (Occupancy Detection In Parking Lot)


  • Echa Oktamiani Maulana Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi



Orbit Future Academy, Occupancy Detection in Parking Lot, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, YOLO


MSIB (Certified Independent Study and Internship) is one of the activity programs at the Merdeka Campus which aims to help students improve their skills and develop themselves. MSIB appointed Orbit Future Academy as one of the partners in the Independent Study program. Founded in 2016 with the aim of improving the quality of life through innovation, education and skills training. In accordance with its mission, namely "We curate and localize international programs and courses for upskilling, re-skilling youth, and the workforce towards jobs of the future". Partners provide opportunities for students to take Artificial Intelligence programs and study online. Learning consists of eight material courses including Python Programming, AI Technology Logic and Concepts, AI Project Cycle, AI Research Methods, ChatGPT, Professional and Company Ethics, Financial Literacy and ending with a Final Project. The final project scope carried out is the Occupancy Detection in Parking Lot project. This project uses the Computer Vision domain with the selection of the YOLO model in detecting objects and pixel segmentation. The project begins with selecting a dataset using roboflow which then goes through data pre-processing for cloning, annotation and augmentation. Then the model is trained using machine learning and deep learning algorithms to understand patterns and characteristics related to parking spaces. Once trained, the AI model will be validated using test data. This aims to ensure that the model truly recognizes the presence of the vehicle. Next, form the application design in creating an informative interface using wireframes. Then enter the deployment stage so that the system can be accessed widely and easily via the web. Lastly, field testing is to find out the performance of the application that has been designed.





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How to Cite

Echa Oktamiani Maulana. (2024). Deteksi Hunian Di Tempat Parkir (Occupancy Detection In Parking Lot) . Journal Islamic Global Network for Information Technology and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 45–61.

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