The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education, AI Integration, Microfinance, and Financial Knowledge on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises


  • Nurjannah Nurjannah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kasih Bangsa
  • Siti Rumenta Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kasih Bangsa
  • Muhammad Arif Rahman Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kasih Bangsa



Entrepreneurship Education, AI Integration, Microfinance


This investigation aims to explore the multifaceted impact of entrepreneurship education, AI integration, microfinance, and financial knowledge on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Employing a qualitative research design, the study utilizes purposive sampling to gather data from a diverse pool of MSME owners and stakeholders. Through thematic analysis, the study examines the interplay between these factors and their implications for MSME growth and sustainability. Preliminary findings suggest that entrepreneurship education fosters innovative thinking, while AI integration enhances operational efficiency. Microfinance serves as a crucial resource for MSMEs' financial needs, complemented by adequate financial knowledge for effective management. The study sheds light on the intricate dynamics shaping the MSME landscape, offering insights for policymakers, educators, and practitioners to bolster MSME development strategies.




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How to Cite

Nurjannah Nurjannah, Siti Rumenta, & Muhammad Arif Rahman. (2023). The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education, AI Integration, Microfinance, and Financial Knowledge on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises . Journal Economic Excellence Ibnu Sina, 1(3), 309–317.

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