Penguatan Kapasitas SDM Pemandu Wisata Geopark pada Pokdarwis KWIK Berkah Mandiri Desa Wisata Adiluhur dalam Mendukung Kabupaten Kebumen Menjadi Unesco Global Geopark 2024


  • Izaz Rakha Anggara S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Satya Helfi Agustianto S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Fatimah Az Zahra S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Siti Rhofiah S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Salsabila Septi Sukmayanti S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Isnaeni Fatmawati S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Anisa Febriana S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Arian Ardiansyah S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Gilang Riyanto S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Rezky Arkan Syarif Pohan S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Dio Syahputra S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Mutia Dian Safitri S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Khansaa Adhelia Kurnia S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Safitri Muhammad Wildan Rusli S1 Informatics Engineering, Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Elang Muhammad Rangga Aryadifa S1 Telecommunications Engineering Telkom Institute of Technology, Purwokerto
  • Wuwuh Andayani Study Program of Public Administration Institute of Social Science and Management STIAMI



Capacity Building, Geopark Tour Guide, English Training,, Go English Geopark


This paper assesses the capacity-building program for tour guides in Pokdarwis KWIK Berkah Mandiri at Adiluhur Tourism Village, aimed at supporting Kebumen Regency’s bid for UNESCO Global Geopark status by 2024. The program utilizes a participatory approach with intensive training and workshops to enhance knowledge, communication skills, and storytelling related to local geological and cultural heritage. English language training is also included to improve interactions with international tourists. Featured on, the new "Go English Geopark" program contributes to better service quality, enhanced tourist experiences, and increased local engagement in geopark promotion and conservation. The program plays a significant role in Kebumen’s goal of achieving UNESCO Global Geopark status.


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How to Cite

Izaz Rakha Anggara, Novanda Alim Setya Nugraha, Satya Helfi Agustianto, Fatimah Az Zahra, Siti Rhofiah, Salsabila Septi Sukmayanti, … Wuwuh Andayani. (2024). Penguatan Kapasitas SDM Pemandu Wisata Geopark pada Pokdarwis KWIK Berkah Mandiri Desa Wisata Adiluhur dalam Mendukung Kabupaten Kebumen Menjadi Unesco Global Geopark 2024. Jurnal ABDIMAS Indonesia, 2(3), 38–48.

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