Upaya Meningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Model Pembelajaran Demonstarasi Pada Siswa Kelas VI SDN 027 Danau Lancang Kecamatan Tapung Hulu Kabupaten Kampar


  • Mantahari Pohan UPT SDN 027 DANAU LANCANG




improving science learning outcomes, demonstration learning model


Demonstration is a very effective model, because it helps students to find answers on their own based on correct facts or data. The demonstration method is a method of presenting lessons by demonstrating and demonstrating to students a particular process, situation or object, either actually or just an imitation. As a presentation method, demonstration cannot be separated from verbal explanation by the teacher. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can show some of the progress achieved during learning, both through classical learning, group learning results, and learning outcomes. So the following conclusions can be drawn from the results of this classroom action research: Demonstration model learning can encourage students to learn science more enthusiastically, improve the learning process and learning outcomes. Demonstration model cooperative learning can motivate students' learning to be more enthusiastic so that their learning outcomes increase.



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How to Cite

Mantahari Pohan. (2023). Upaya Meningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Model Pembelajaran Demonstarasi Pada Siswa Kelas VI SDN 027 Danau Lancang Kecamatan Tapung Hulu Kabupaten Kampar. Journal Innovation In Education, 1(1), 06–12. https://doi.org/10.59841/inoved.v2i1.993