Program Edukasi Masyarakat Dengan Edukasi Beserta Skrining Kadar Vitamin D Untuk Kesehatan Rambut Pada Lanjut Usia


  • Catharina Sagita Moniaga Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Hans Sugiharto Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Abebi Febriastuti Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Farell Christian Gunaidi Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Edwin Destra Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Yohanes Firmansyah Universitas Tarumanagara



education, hair health, elderly, community service, vitamin D


Hair is an important aspect of a person's appearance. Hair in the elderly experiences a decline in quality which is often characterized by thinning, brittleness and loss. Vitamin D plays an important role in this condition because it affects the growth cycle of hair follicles. A deficiency can cause hair to become brittle and fall out easily. In this community service activity, education is provided to explain the importance of vitamin D and how to get it through a healthy diet and lifestyle. Screening using a hair analyzer shows problems with hair loss and low hair density as well as lots of dead skin cells. Effective education and nutritional interventions, including vitamin D supplementation, are essential to improve hair health and ultimately the quality of life of elderly. Treating vitamin D deficiency, including hair and scalp care, must be an integral part of the elderly's health program.


Keywords: education, hair health, elderly, community service, vitamin D



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How to Cite

Moniaga, C. S., Sugiharto, H., Febriastuti, A., Gunaidi, F. C., Destra, E., & Firmansyah, Y. (2024). Program Edukasi Masyarakat Dengan Edukasi Beserta Skrining Kadar Vitamin D Untuk Kesehatan Rambut Pada Lanjut Usia. Jurnal ABDIMAS Indonesia, 2(2), 110–118.