Penerimaan Produk Minuman Korea ( Studi Perilaku Konsumen Muslim terhadap Soju Halal)
Acceptance, Halal Soju, MojisoAbstract
This research aims to find out how the acceptance of Korean drinks depends on the behavior of Muslim consumers towards halal soju. Soju is a drink that originates from Korea and can be intoxicating because it contains alcohol, which is prohibited by Islam for consumption. In Indonesia, especially the emerging city of Bandung, the halal soju drink is mojiso. Mojiso is a combination of words Mojito and Soju. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, to collection data using observations, interviews and documentation. The population in this research was student FEBI UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. The research results show that the majority of students accept and know about halal soju drinks, but there are also some who do not know about halal soju drinks in Indonesia. And there are students who want to try it but there are also those who still question the halal label on the drink. Basically all drinks consumed by humans are halal but can become unlawful due to certain conditions. It can be concluded that not everyone can accept halal soju because they are worried and still question the halal label on the drink. Haram drinks are drinks that Muslims are prohibited from drinking because the harm is greater than the benefits. Choose food and drink ingredients that are far from haram elements. Get in the habit of reading the composition of the ingredients on the packaging and choose a place to eat or packaged food with a halal label.
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